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 A Blank Page

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Messages : 106
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2007
Age : 38
Localisation : Earth, Milky Way, Space

A Blank Page Empty
MessageSujet: A Blank Page   A Blank Page Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Oct - 12:26

Act I- Everything Begins This Easy Way...
Act II- Of Victims & Witness
Act III- An Evidence Is Missing
Act IV- The Trial
Act V- Guiltiness & The Death Row Pardon

Act One- Everything Begins This Easy Way


Act Two- Of Victims & Witness

Of course I’ve believed in love
Of course I’ve believed life can be fair
But that was before and that was away
Now all that I’ve seen leave me empty and afraid...

I’ve reached an end cannot be seen
I’ve reached an hand out of reach
But that wasn’t you, and that wasn’t here
Now my memorie’s like a blank page and

I feel like I’ve been betrayed
By all the things my folks have said
And now I’m looking for a sign
Something new tu pull me right

Bien sur il m’arrive d’oublier
Bien sur il m’arrive de pleurer
But everything is changing now
Everything’s hollow now

I feel like I’ve been betrayed
By all the things my folks have said
And now I’m looking for a sign
Something new tu pull me right

Et je respire le même air chaque jour un peu plus
Et j’expire la vie, la haine et la pourriture
Et je vis chaque jour un peu moins
Pour mourir peut être demain …

Act Three - An Evidence is missing

Je rentre et brise toutes mes chaînes
Je me risque une dernière fois dans l’antre de mes rêves

Je change de route pour éviter les obstacles
Je choisis de stopper net et d’attendre ici bas

Forever and ever
It will lie under our feet
Forever and ever
I will be!

But I have gone leaving this world on his own
I don’t believe I was its root
Nor it doesn’t matter my vanish...

Act Four - The Trial

And now here we are!

This is the borderline
The thin limit between here and nowhere

The filling of a blank page
An oath of violence and oblivion

A neverending voice inside my head
Calling me back to where I’ll eternally belong

I’ve my fault in this everything
I’ll face the jugement, as cruel it’ll be

Come my friend…

I feel like I’ve been betrayed
By all the things my folks have said
And now I’m looking for a sign

Join my singing
Join this pain
Join this deception

Join this lost company
Join this thoughts
Join this end

Where I live no light sets
There’s only shadows surrounding this soul

There’s no hope here by my side
Life is cruel but she rules us all

She may bring your pain away
She’s the end of all beggining...

Act Five - Guiltiness & the Death Row Pardon

Il ne reste rien
Rien d’autre que cette page à présent remplie
Les ruines d’une vie
L’abri d’une épaule maintenant trop loin

The roar of the machine
I’ve once called my life
Remind this image to me
The mirage of an unexpected love

J’y ai cru
De tout mon être, de toute mon âme
J’ai voulu
Eteindre de mon feu ces flammes

But cruel is the audience
Guilty, guilty, guilty
Je garde les yeux fermés
Les larmes prêtent à couler

Mercy is a dream
What they told us to do may be true but is always wrong
Mercy is a dream
What they want us to do is to bring higher their dream while we scratch ours down

I just want to erase this page
What I’ve written, nobody will ever read
Even if it happens
Who will understand my twisted thoughts and feelings

Next time
I won’t do the same mistake
But what is the way, what is the way?

Would you one day
Fullfill this page for me?
Help me fullfill this page for you?
Fullfill this page for me?
Help me fullfill this page for you?

Un gros morceau qui comme son nom l'indique traite de l'angoisse de la page blanche. Et du coup de la relation du créateur au monde, le tout présenter sous la forme d'une procès imaginaire dont vous serez toujours les jurés...
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